hutt of rutt

today i’m going to eat at rutt’s hut, which i saw on a tv show about hot dogs and is, coincidentally, in clifton, nj which is mere miles from my boss’s house, so she is taking me, and her husband and young daughter are going as well. and kirk too.

the hot dogs are deep fried. i’m hoping that there are other deep fried items as well…maybe a snickers bar. that would be optimal.
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as i suspected

this whole scotus thing is going to be anticlimactic.

even though i knew all along that this guy was going to be approved, or voted in or on, or whatever, i still held out some hope for a few fireworks to entertain me in the interim. but everyone, or enough-one, is falling all over themselves to give approval, either direct or tacit.

and the only people who are getting het up are the people with a vested interest in interest-bearing investments of fundraising dollars that they want to pad.

only one thing is going to be of interest to me in this whole process.
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well, i guess i need to weigh in on the whole supreme court thing, even though no one really knows much about this guy, and even though if i tell you what i really think, which i will, you’ll probably be aghast.

scotus, by the way, is (s)upreme (c)ourt (o)f (t)he (u)nited (s)tates, not to be confused with potus, who is my stuffed monkey, at least he is until all the cats die and we get a new cat which will be named potus if i have any say in matters. then we will have not potus but poti.

anyway, the shocking thing is that i don’t give a good goddamn if this guy is confirmed or not, and i kind of hope he is confirmed. and here’s why, and then you can be aghast and tell me i’m ignorant and deluded and uncaring and illogical and whatnot.
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cheap ploy for attention

i like the site–it’s a nice compendium of nyc stuff, even if the “royal we” point of view (“gothamist is tired of all this crap, etc.”) gets annoying.

today they had a story on charlie and the chocolate factory that was basically a rant about how people can’t behave in the movies anymore.

and a site that usually gets a few comments per story got 67 comments for this one within, like, 5 minutes. so i figured i’d rant about this too, and see what happens.
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