
number eight

i’m happy, i think.

i spent time during the last few days redoing the code for my site, to get rid of the frame-based navigation that was cutting edge in 1998, but now not so much. i especially thought that search engines would be able to find my site better, because with the new system of div tags, each page’s address shows in the address bar. before, it always just said “queerspace.com” no matter what page you were on.

well, i got my wish. if you google my name, i’m now the eighth most popular “jamie howard”, right behind the wrestler and the guy at christiangays.com.

oddly enough, i’m only number eight if you put in my name without quote marks. if you put in “jamie howard” with the quotes, i’m down the list somewhere like i always was. but it’s only been like two days, so results in the quotes might improve too.

now i’m not so sure if i really wanted all you fools to find me so easily. i like having a site, and i like that people occasionally find me through it, but to be honest there are a few of you i’d just as soon keep lost to history.

you know who you are.

so promise me this. if you really think i’d want to hear from you, be my guest and contact me through my newly-google-friendly site.

but if you aren’t sure, feel free to worship me from afar and stay out of contact like you have until now.

and i’m really not the jamie howard at christiangays.com.


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