not going to texas

well, add texas to the list which i know includes virginia and ohio.

texas yesterday passed their version of a gay marriage ban. its wording prohibits the state from “creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage.”

which means that kirk and i, who have legal papers to approximate the legal rights of married couples, cannot go to texas because our papers have been invalidated. read all about it yourself.

one more state added to the list of states in my own country where i, as a taxpaying american citizen, cannot risk going.

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questions to ask

it’s the 4th anniversary of 9/11. and i have some questions.

for dick cheney: during the last election, you said that if we elected john kerry, we’d all die. care to stand in new orleans and revise your comments?

for george bush: why should we believe that your administration’s response to hurricane katrina is anything other than an indicator of your typical response to a terror attack?
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well-expressed outrage

i know i’m getting clip-happy. but there are finally things to watch in the media that have actual impact and forethought and usefulness.

keith olbermann makes sense.

another must-see. he perfectly sums up exactly what is wrong on the gulf coast of america in the aftermath of katrina.

my favorite quote?

[the government] has just proved that it cannot save its citizens from a biological weapon called standing water.

there’s more better. much more better.

working well for them

from an ap wire story at capital letters removed.

barbara bush, who accompanied the former presidents on a tour of the astrodome complex monday, said the relocation to houston is “working very well” for some of the poor people forced out of new orleans.

“what i’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in texas. everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality,” she said during a radio interview with the american public media program marketplace. “and so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.”

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please watch this clip

i’m no fan of fox news, but this clip has to be seen to be believed. it’s at the site, and it shows shepard smith and geraldo rivera getting in the face of a spin-obsessed sean hannity. it takes some time to download (i think a lot of people must be watching it) but trust me, it’s worth the wait.

fox news clip at

what’s it going to take to get these people fed? it’s been nearly a week, and people continue to die.

as i suspected

this whole scotus thing is going to be anticlimactic.

even though i knew all along that this guy was going to be approved, or voted in or on, or whatever, i still held out some hope for a few fireworks to entertain me in the interim. but everyone, or enough-one, is falling all over themselves to give approval, either direct or tacit.

and the only people who are getting het up are the people with a vested interest in interest-bearing investments of fundraising dollars that they want to pad.

only one thing is going to be of interest to me in this whole process.
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well, i guess i need to weigh in on the whole supreme court thing, even though no one really knows much about this guy, and even though if i tell you what i really think, which i will, you’ll probably be aghast.

scotus, by the way, is (s)upreme (c)ourt (o)f (t)he (u)nited (s)tates, not to be confused with potus, who is my stuffed monkey, at least he is until all the cats die and we get a new cat which will be named potus if i have any say in matters. then we will have not potus but poti.

anyway, the shocking thing is that i don’t give a good goddamn if this guy is confirmed or not, and i kind of hope he is confirmed. and here’s why, and then you can be aghast and tell me i’m ignorant and deluded and uncaring and illogical and whatnot.
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dnr me

dnr. do not resuscitate.

i have my living will in place, and so does kirk. and if you don’t, you should have one.

it’s more complicated than that if you are gay and in a relationship, though. for instance, kirk and i won’t go to ohio, virginia, or any of the other states that passed anti-gay-marriage laws last november. why won’t we go, you ask?
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‘fessin’ up

ok, it was a cheap shot.

yes i used that poor vegetable woman to get you to read something i really care about, grammar. but be honest. if i had entitled yesterday’s blog “my grammar nitpicks” you would have blown by it at top speed. great thoughts, or to be honest slightly better than mediocre thoughts, left unread. this will not do.

hence the subterfuge. it’s all about packaging.

so, in the interest of karmic balance or whatever, here’s what i think about terri schiavo.
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